EEDC adopts ‘Mission 100’ as road map to meet customers’ expectations – Spokesman

The Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) says it has adopted a new vision, tagged ‘Mission 100’, as a road map to meet customers expectations in the South-East.

The Head, Corporate Communications, EEDC, Mr Emeka Ezeh, said in a statement on Sunday in Enugu that ‘Mission 100’ was a fallout of a three-day workshop between the company’s board of directors, management team, network managers and team leads of strategic units.

Ezeh said that ‘Mission 100’ was part of the transformation agenda towards actualising its aspiration of being the best among electricity distribution companies in Nigeria.

He said the new vision `Mission 100’ was founded on the agreed principle of management, senior staff and staff of the company performing their respective roles 100 per cent to deliver excellent service to customers.

According to him, the concrete actualities the new vision is set out to achieve include reduction of Aggregate, Technical, Commercial and Collection (ATC & C) losses and provision of uninterrupted power electricity to urban and semi-urban areas within the EEDC franchise area.

“The Mission 100 will also reduce billing errors to zero, as well as lead to timely resolution of customers’ complaints among others,” the EEDC spokesman said.

Ezeh said that the Chairman, Board of Directors of the company, Dr Emeka Offor, had charged the entire management and staff of the company on the targets of the new vision.

He said that the chairman enjoined the staff to apply themselves to the implementation of the road map, so as to be able to meet the expectations of customers.

The spokesman said: “Considering the challenging times faced by the power sector, Offor urged strategic business units and departments to work together.

“Offor also called for all hands to be on deck and that everyone puts in their best to ensure overall objective of the company’s Mission 100 is achieved.

“While the EEDC Managing Director, Mr Praveen Chorghade, further explained that the rationale behind the ‘Mission 100’ is for every staff member to perform his respective role 100 per cent to deliver excellent service to customers.

“Praveen clearly told the staff on the need for a paradigm shift in the way things are done in the company, as that is the only way the vicious circle of unsustainability and commercial unviability can be broken,” he said.

Ezeh said that the managing director called for seamless operations in the company, with things done the right way, “considering that there is no way the organisation can meet its target if things are not done right”.

“With the new Mission 100, customers of EEDC can now be sure of excellent service delivery by the company in line with its new vision,” he added. 

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