Despite the UEFA Working Group on Qatar supporting the creation of a Workers' Centre, a safe space for labourers in Qatar to receive representation in labour disputes, and call for compensation to be paid for all labourers who have been injured or to the families of those who have died the English according reports from the UK are planning a stern statement on human rights in the country.

The English FA are now expected to call for the Workers' Centre to be established. Already  Amnesty International, has called for a compensation fund to be set up to support families of migrant workers who died while working in Qatar. 


The English FA were criticized for not making an earlier collective statement on human rights in Qatar, when the Wales FA made their own statement last month, calling for a Migrant Workers' Centre to be established in the country after the World Cup. 


It is expected that FA chief executive Mark Bullingham, who has been part of the UEFA Working Group on Qatar, will take a lead in the FA's positioning, with Southgate likely to talk about the issues.


Gareth Southgate and the FA are expected to make a clear statement on Qatar's human rights this week as England prepare for the World Cup in just two months' time with their UEFA Nations League games against Italy and Germany.



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