Venezuela has released seven imprisoned Americans, including five oil executives, in exchange for two Venezuelan citizens who had been jailed in the U.S.

U.S President Joe Biden approved the exchange weeks ago, saying the release of the two Venezuelans was essential to securing the Americans’ freedom.


The swap, which include Biden granting clemency to the two Venezuelans who U.S. authorities had dubbed the “narco nephews,” has not altered Washington’s policy toward Venezuela.


The swap includes executives of Citgo Petroleum held for years, in addition to U.S. Marine veteran Matthew Heath and another U.S. citizen named Osman Khan.


The Americans were exchanged for two nephews of President Nicolás Maduro’s wife who had been jailed for years on narcotics convictions.


The five employees of Houston-based Citgo, who had been detained in Venezuela in 2017, are Tomeu Vadell, Jose Luis Zambrano, Alirio Zambrano, Jorge Toledo, and Jose Pereira.


In return, the United States freed two of Venezuelan first lady Cilia Flores’ nephews, Franqui Flores and Efrain Antonio Campo Flores.



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