UN Member States have adopted a resolution making Nov. 18 the World Day for Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Violence.


The UN correspondent of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports the resolution was adopted on Monday at the 77th UN General Assembly under Agenda item 131 “Sexual exploitation and abuse: implementing a zero-tolerance policy.”


A spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly, Ms. Paulina Greer, disclosed this at a news conference at UN headquarters in New York on Tuesday.


Greer said the resolution was sponsored by Nigeria and Sierra Leone and co-sponsored by 111 Member States.


“Among its recommendations, the resolution calls for raising public awareness of those affected by child sexual abuse, and the need to prevent and eliminate child sexual exploitation, abuse, and violence – online and offline,’’ she said.


Meanwhile, a draft resolution obtained by NAN from the Nigeria Permanent Mission to the UN on Wednesday expressed grave concern that children, especially girls, are at a greater risk of experiencing forced sex and sexual exploitation, abuse, and violence, including both online and offline.


The resolution noted that “girls are at a greater risk of experiencing forced sex, and sexual exploitation, abuse, and violence in particular during armed conflicts, that, because of the shame, stigma, and fear associated with their experience.


“Many victims and survivors never disclose and/ or seek justice, rehabilitation or support, and many victims and survivors of child abuse, experience lifelong consequences that affect their physical and mental health wellbeing.


“It affirms the need to eliminate and prevent all forms of child sexual exploitation, abuse and violence and to promote the dignity and rights, including mental and physical health and healing of those who experience child sexual exploitation, abuse, and violence.”


It further requests the Secretary-General to bring the present resolution to the attention of all Member States, the organizations of the UN system, and other relevant stakeholders, for the appropriate observance.


“It invites all Member States, relevant organizations of the UN system and other international organizations, world leaders, faith actors, civil society, including non-governmental organisations, academic institutions and the private sector, and other relevant stakeholders to commemorate the Day.’’

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