The Executive Director of, the African Union Scientific and Technical Research Commission (AUSTRC), Dr. Ahmed Hamdy, has called on the African Academy of Sciences and Research Councils for continued support in advancing science and technology in Africa.

Hamdy stated this on Wednesday in his keynote address at the 5th Congress of the African Council for Scientific Research and Innovation (ASRIC), in Mombasa, Kenya.

The theme for the congress is: `STI to strengthen food nutrition, health, and social protection systems to accelerate Africa’s socio-economic, human, social and economic capital development’.

He said the contributions of the National Academies of Sciences and the African Research Council were valuable to achieving the mandate and objectives of ASRIC.

“Without the contributions of the National Academy of Sciences and African Research Councils, the mandate and objectives of the ASRIC, as well as that of ASRIC Strategic Plan 2022 – 2028 will never be achieved,” Hamdy said.

He also acknowledged the efforts of respective member states to continue to support ASRIC with available resources which can strengthen intra-Africa research.

Hamdy said that ASRIC leveraged brain circulation, partnerships for development, and mobilizing excellence for research and development.

`To better the continent, the key concerns of ASRIC for economic prosperity in the coming years are centered on the flagship projects.

“The flagship projects are one of the pillars of ASRIC for the successful implementation of its mandate.

“To ultimately achieve our overall goal and objectives, we will be relying on the support of our member states,” he said.

Also in his opening remarks, the first ASRIC Vice Chair, Prof. Elijah Wanda, said the meeting was a collection of science and technology stakeholders from across the continent.

According to him, African researchers and scientists came together to identify and find solutions to African issues in science and technology.’

Wanda said that strategic plans and resource mobilization plans, among others, would be discussed in the meeting.

He also urged the participants to interact and explore collaborations that would advance African science and technology.

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