China denounced statements made at the meeting of the foreign ministers from the G7 powers in Japan, in which they condemned China’s militarisation in the region.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a press conference in Beijing on Tuesday that the G7 foreign ministers had “rudely interfered in China’s internal affairs, maliciously slandered and smeared China”.

“The statements were filled with arrogance, prejudice, and sinister intentions to suppress China,” he added, saying China had protested against G7 host, Japan.

Wang said Taiwan is “a sacred and indivisible part of China’s territory,” and to truly maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait, it was necessary to reject the independence aspirations on the island.

He added that Hong Kong, Tibet, and Xinjiang were also solely “internal affairs” of China, which did not allow any interference from outside.

According to the spokesman, the current situation in the East and South China Seas is generally stable as China adheres to the UN Charter and basic norms of international law.

Wang said the G7 countries should “abandon Cold War thinking and ideological biases, saying they should also not “condescend to dictate” to other countries.

Commenting on G7 concerns about the expansion of China’s nuclear arsenal, Wang said China possessed only “the minimum level required for national security.”

The G7 foreign ministers had also criticized China’s territorial claims and militarization in the South China Sea, warning against the use of military force against Taiwan.

Violations of human rights in China, especially in Tibet and Xinjiang, were also criticized.

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