Student detonates explosive on grounds of Russian monastery

A young man detonated a homemade explosive device on the grounds of a Russian women’s convent on Monday in a town in the Moscow region.

The explosion occurred in Serpukhov, some 90 kilometres south of the Russian capital.

Moscow’s Central Investigation Committee announced that proceedings had been initiated for attempted murder.

The background to the incident was initially unclear.

Seven children were injured, according to Russian state news agency TASS, citing sources among the emergency services.

It was unclear whether the suspect, thought to be 18 years old, survived the attack.

Investigators said he had graduated from a Russian Orthodox Church high school located next to the monastery.

Investigators are also looking into whether the young man could have detonated the explosive device out of hostility towards the school’s staff and the nuns.

He may have felt bullied during his education, the report said.

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