Iran on Friday vowed never to back down from its positions despite an `anti-Iran’ resolution adopted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

According to a statement issued by the Iranian presidency, “such measures can never stymie the Iranian nation’s progress.’’



Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi told reporters on Thursday that Iranians’ “legitimate” rights must be recognized adding that “no one can talk to the Iranian nation using the language of force.’’



On Wednesday, the IAEA’s Board of Governors passed a resolution proposed by the United States, Britain, France, and Germany.



This followed recent IAEA reports that Iran has not provided “technically credible explanations” for uranium particles at three undeclared sites.



Iranian officials, however, have insisted that the country did not carry out any clandestine and unrecorded nuclear activities.



In the wake of the adoption of the IAEA resolution, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran announced its decision to turn off two surveillance cameras of the IAEA, state-run IRIB TV reported.



On Thursday, the IAEA said Iran told the agency that it was removing 27 surveillance cameras from its nuclear facilities.

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