UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, has welcomed the decisions on Mali reached by the authority of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) at its Ordinary Summit held on Sunday in Accra, Ghana.


The ECOWAS members, among other decisions, passed the adoption of electoral law in Mali, marking the crossing of an important step towards the holding of elections in Mali.


Guterres, in a statement by his spokesperson on Tuesday, Mr Stephane Dujarric, welcomed the positive political developments in the country.


“The secretary-general, in particular, notes the lifting of sanctions, including economic and financial sanctions, imposed on Mali by ECOWAS, following progress made on defining the Transition timeline.


“In this respect, he is encouraged by the various steps taken by the Transition authorities with a view to concluding the ongoing Transition by March 2024 at the latest,’’ he said.


In addition, Guterres commended the tireless efforts of ECOWAS Mediator, former Nigerian president, Goodluck Jonathan, with the support of the Local Transition Follow-up Committee, made up of the African Union, ECOWAS and UN Mission in Mali, MINUSMA.


“He looks forward to the continuation and strengthening of this vital partnership in support of the Mediator’s efforts.


“He also calls on Mali’s partners to provide the necessary assistance for the implementation of the reforms and the holding of the upcoming elections in full respect of principles of equity and freedom,’’ Dujarric said.


The secretary-general strongly urges all stakeholders to continue working together in a constructive and consensual manner, with a view to successfully concluding the Transition.


He also advised them to lay down the foundations of lasting peace and stability for the benefit of the Malian people.


According to him, Guterres re-emphasises the importance of the 2015 Peace and Reconciliation Agreement.


“The secretary-general calls on all the signatory parties to redouble their efforts to advance the implementation process, including the early holding of the high-level decision-making meeting on Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR).’’

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