An Abuja-based Islamic cleric, Sheikh Yahya Al-Yolawi, has called on newly elected political leaders in the country to fear Allah and fulfill their electioneering campaign promises when they assume office.

Al-Yolawi gave the advice in an interview with the media, on Tuesday in Abuja.

He said that being truthful in promises and covenants was one of the best characteristics by which true believers were known.

“I will like to remind our brothers and sisters in Islam, those who were elected in the President and National Assembly elections to fear Allah and endeavor to fulfill their electioneering campaign promises.

“They should also justify the confidence reposed in them by the electorate, by ensuring transparency and accountability in the management of resources that will be
entrusted to them.

“They should also ensure the protection of lives, and properties and learn from the mistakes of their immediate predecessors; leadership is about trust and you will be asked by God what you were entrusted with.”

The cleric also enjoined them to work hard and emplace policies that would enhance the living conditions of ordinary citizens.

“This means that leaders must have a very close relationship with followers so that they can contribute their energy and work together towards realizing and achieving set goals,” Al-Yolawa said.

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