I don't see the 10th Senate as a rubber stamp, but a corrective one... Senator Neda Imasuen
Following the announcement of the other principal officers in the National Assembly, Senator Neda Imasuen representing Edo south senatorial district on Thursday said what happened were divergent views and opinions, hence he did not see the 10th Senate as a rubber stamp, but rather as a corrective one. 
While expressing satisfaction over the overcome of the emergence of the principal officers, Senator Neda Imasuen said it possible due to the bulk of the Minority Senators who are made up of PDP, Labour Party, NNPP. 
He said, "I am satisfied because PDP with about 35 Senators took two seats, that is magnanimous on their part, Labour has one seat, NNPP one, so i think that is fair.
"In all this, I cannot speak for PDP because I am Labour Party, you must also understand that leadership of the Senate is chosen among ourselves, so whatever the political parties does is in advisory capacity, they can write to the senate that this is their preferred candidates. But if the Senators themselves decide to say this is who they want, in this case the majority of the Senators come together and choose who they wanted and this was the case.
"We are about 50 opposition Senators and over 30 voted for this leadership and you cannot fault it. This is democracy and it is unlike the 8th or 9th Senate where there is a clear division as to the opposition, where you have the ruling party and one major opposition and you don't have any other party as opposition.
"We are over six opposition parties and you cannot discount anyone. A political party who feels aggrieved should also understand that they are other opposition parties put together to make such decision."
On wether the 10th Senate will be rubber stamp to the Executive aim of the government, the labour party senator said, "I don't believe this Senate can be a rubber stamp, i don't think that can happen. The simple reason again like I said before is that there is no clear demarcation as to who is the opposition and who is the leadership, meaning among the oppositions you have clusters of opposition parties. So, are you telling me that PDP will tell me how to vote, that is not going to happen. I have an independent mind, so ,NNPP, even among PDP Senators they are not so cohesive that they will all face one direction. "
On the ministerial list, "We are up to the task, one thing I can assure you is that you will hear my voice, you will hear the voices of other opposition Senators if that be the case. I am sure that even within the PDP, the main opposition party you also hear divergent views that will oppose such things (if a ministerial nominee is deemed not good enough) This is a very unique 10th Senate and as time goes on you will bear me witness that I told you so. 
"We will not rubber stamp anything, that also does not mean that we will be at loggerheads with the executive, that is not the aim. We are all working in tandem to resolve the issues that seems to be dragging us back as a country, economy, infrastructure, security, health and others. So if we find the executive very cooperative we will support it and if we find them not cooperative in moving the country to the next level we will reject it and take the necessary action."

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