Senator Dimka bemoans massacre, farmland destruction going on in Plateau
Plateau state

Senator Hezekiah Dimka (APC, Plateau Central) has condemned the massacre of people and the destruction of farmlands in Plateau.

Dimka reacted on Tuesday after attacks on other communities of Riyom, Barkin Ladi, Bassa, Jos South and Jos East Local Government Areas.

The Chairman, Senate Committee on Drugs and Narcotics, in a statement, observed the apprehension over the maiming of people in the most barbaric manner.

The lawmaker regretted the untold hardship on citizens and the communities.

He noted that the attack on Jebbu Miango on July 31 until morning of August 1, 2021 leaves much to be desired.

“From reports, over 10 people were massacred, their homes and farmlands desecrated recklessly. These are attacks that should not be glossed over.

“It is time to get things sorted out by ensuring that the perpetrators are apprehended and brought to justice,” he said.

Dimka urged security agencies to be on top of the situation and end the attacks.

He further sympathized with all affected by the killings as well as floods ravaging Kanam Local Government Area.

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