The leadership and members of the National Youth Council of Nigeria Edo State Chapter led by its Chairman Comrade Moses Agwinede Joseph have condemned the recent killings perpetrated in the state by suspected cult groups.

Cult killings in Edo State, are deeply troubling and condemnable phenomenon that has plagued communities, claimed numerous lives, and has inflicted untold pains and hardship on families.

These acts of violence not only shatter the lives of victims and their families but also threatens the overall safety and stability of the society at large.

"The National Youth Council of Nigeria Edo State Chapter as a body saddled with the responsibility of youth development and promoting peace condemns the killings perpetrated in the state by rival cult groups and sues for peace.

"We encourage all groups to sheathe their swords and embrace peace, tolerance and love for one another. Those who are involved in these dastardly acts must desist from and resist the temptation to continue, because, war is senseless, whereas peace is priceless.

"While we commend the security agencies for the effort at installing law and order in our society, we urge them to intensify their investigative efforts to ensure that the culprits are unraveled and brought to justice.

"We also urge families to caution their children/wards to desists from any activity that threatens state security and to teach them love and tolerance.

"Finally, it is our collective responsibility to keep our state a safe Haven for all.
To combat this issue effectively, it is crucial to take a multi-pronged approach where we all work together in love and harmony towards a safer, and more prosperous future for the people of Edo State."

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