President Tinubu Mourns Mr Ibu, Sisi Quadri

President Bola Tinubu receives with deep sadness the news of the passing of two of Nigeria’s ace comic actors, John Okafor, famously known as Mr. Ibu, and Tolani Quadri Oyebamiji, popularly known as Sisi Quadri.

President Tinubu condoles with the families of these gifted thespians who brought joy and relief to millions of Nigerians by the exercise of their geniuses.

The President exhorts the bereaved to take solace in the truth that even though these beloved Nigerians have passed on, they will always live through their works which will remain an inspiration and a fount of good cheer for many.

The President also commiserates with the Actors Guild of Nigeria, Theatre Arts and Motion Pictures Practitioners Association of Nigeria (TAMPAN), and the entire creative community, assuring them of his support, thoughts, and prayers in this time of grief.

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