The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved the appointment of a Mayor for the FCT.

The House approved the request with 245 members voting in favour of the bill in its ongoing electronic voting on the Constitution amendment.
240 members are required to vote in favour of the bill to scale through.


The title of the bill is “a Bill for an Act to Alter the Provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 to provide for the Office of the Mayor for FCT Administration.’’

Also, 252 members voted in favour of the bill to provide for the appointment of a minister for the FCT.

Meanwhile, the House has voted in favour of the bill to establish the Office of the Attorney–General of the Federation and of the State as separate from that of Minister or Commissioner for Justice.

This is to make the office of the Attorney-General independent and insulated from partisanship.


Meanwhile, 289 lawmakers voted in favour of the bill that would require the president and governors to submit the names of nominees for appointments as ministers or commissioners within 30 days of taking of office.

This is to enable speedy confirmation by the Senate or Houses of Assembly.

The House also voted to grant Presiding Officers of the National Assembly membership of the National Security Council.

The Bill is titled: “a Bill for an Act to Alter the Third Schedule to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 to include Presiding Officers of the National Assembly in the Membership of the National Security Council.

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