Lalong excited over release of Rev. Polycarb Zongo
Rev. Polycarb Zongo of the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN)

Plateau State Governor Simon Bako Lalong has expressed excitement over the release of Rev. Polycarp Zongo of the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN) Wild Life Park, Jos who was abducted by insurgents in October 2020.

Lalong said the release of the clergyman and other abductees was an answer to the prayers of the Church and other people of goodwill and that this affirms that God does not abandon His people even at difficult moments.
Lalong praised all those who played various roles in facilitating the release of the clergyman, as well as those who showed concern to the family and the Church, saying this is the solidarity and humanity that is needed to overcome the insecurity and intolerance in the country.
Governor Lalong wished Rev. Zango well as he recuperates from the emotional and physical trauma he has undergone. He also urged him to remain strong and use his ordeal to encourage and motivate the people towards trust in God and respect for humanity.
He also sent his special goodwill to the  family of Rev. Zongo, the COCIN family and its President, Rev. Dr. Dachollom Datiri, urging them to continue to pray for God's intervention in the affairs of the nation and intercede for other people in similar circumstances as well as upholding the security agencies as they continue to battle the insurgents.

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