Bandits invade Kebbi school, abduct female students

Bandits have abducted no fewer than 30 students and three teachers from the Federal Government Girls College FGGC, Birnin Yauri, Kebbi State.

Security sources say the attackers, who rode on motorcycles, stormed the school from neighbouring Rijau forest in the early hours of Thursday.

This is the third known attack on a school in the country within three weeks.

It comes weeks after pupils were abducted from an Islamic School in Tegina, Niger State on May 30. 

Two weeks later, bandits abducted staff and students at Nuhu Bamali Polytechnic in Kaduna State.

Since December, more than 600 students have been abducted from schools in Nigeria, highlighting a worrying development in the country's kidnap-for-ransom crisis.

Many believe that a weak security infrastructure and Governors who have little control over security in their states have forced relatives of kidnap victims to resort to paying ransoms, a trend which has made mass abductions a lucrative source of income. 

Unlike the kidnap of the Chibok girls which attracted worldwide attention, there has not been much reaction to subsequent abductions.

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