Agba Sprinter’ keep making us proud, Shaibu congratulates Amusan for winning Jamaica Athletics Invitational race

Comrade Philip Shaibu, the former Deputy Governor of Edo State, has congratulated the World Female 100m hurdle record holder, Tobi Amusan, for her quality performance in winning the Jamaica Athletics Invitational race last weekend. 

Shaibu charged the athlete to “keep making us proud and keep the Green White Green flag flying higher” as according to him, “many Nigerians are excited and have been singing your praises since you set that world record.”

The congratulatory message from Shaibu to ‘Agba Sprinter’, as the ex-deputy governor described Amusan, came barely a few hours after her historic feat. 

“It gives me joy to see you place yourself at the exact level you belong and mount your throne, gallantly as the Queen of the Track! 

“Your emphatic win in the Women’s 100m Hurdle at the Jamaica Athletics Invitational this weekend, with a time of 12.40s (0.9) is not just a World Lead time, but also a demonstration of who you are.

“Oozing out the Power of Naija in every breath, leg count, and hurdle crossing in your win is more than a winning pace, they give millions of Nigerians hope and confidence in things they do and have the assurance that things will fall in place for them if they stick to hard work, discipline and sincerity. 

“Many Nigerians are excited and have been singing your praises since you set that world record. Keep making us proud and keep the Green White Green flag flying higher,” Shaibu submitted.

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