German FA says unvaccinated referees can continue in Bundesliga
Bundesliga in Germany

German Football Federation (DFB) refereeing boss Lutz Michael Fröhlich said on Sunday.

About 90 percent of referees in the Bundesliga are vaccinated against COVID-19, and the rate is similar to that of players.

“The vaccination quota among referees is high. But the unvaccinated are also allowed to referee games —- as before,” Fröhlich said.

“We have already had positive cases, but that was in a time window that was unproblematic. The referees then went into quarantine.”

Fröhlich is the head of DFB Schiri GmbH, a company which was partly spun off from the DFB on Jan. 1.

He will not name those who test positive for the virus.

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