JICA awards scholarships to 13 Nigerians

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has awarded scholarships to 13 Nigerians to obtain their Masters degrees and Internship Programme under the auspices of the African Business Education Initiative for youth (ABE initiative) and SDG’s Global Leader Program under the Japanese government’s Official Development Assistance.

Mr Takayuki Nakagawa, Chief Representative, JICA Nigeria Office, in his remarks said that the initiative is a programme that aims at fostering young personnel’s who can contribute to the development of Industries in Africa as well as become ‘navigators’ for Japanese firms ‘operations in Africa.

“Kahehasi Africa Nigeria Initiative, which is an Alumni Association of participants of Africa Business Education Initiative for Africa (ABE-I), is gotten from the word bridge and is officially being inaugurated today in Nigeria, it is now registered with the Nigerian Government.

“Meanwhile, since the initiative in 2015, more than 70 students have been sent to Japan to obtain a Master’s degree and experience Internship at Japanese Companies.

“We are taking care of their tuition fee, travel cost, and also six months internship opportunities that gives them access to practicals and also prepare them to become employers of labour.

According to him, the 13 beneficiaries selected to participate this year are expected to utilize what they have learnt in Japan and build up more human capital while further creating a network that will further foster the relationship between Japan and Nigeria.

“We are really proud of this programme and Japan has many experiernces that can be shared with partner countries, we sincerely wish that it will be with the Nigerian government.

Mr Ugochukwu Mba, President, Kahehashi Kahehashi Africa, Nigeria, said that participants from 54 African member Countries, who were looking to bring in small and medium enterprises from Japan to Africa through the help of JICE and JICA, initiated the name, Kahehashi Africa.

“It took us a while to officially establish as a legal entity in March as a non profit organisation in Nigeria we are officially in the market, we are bringing a lot to the table, We are currently in the process of concluding registration of a foreign direct business which I personally attracted into the country. We are going to liaise with Jetro and work together to generate employment into the country.

“At the pleminary stage of bringing in a foreign direct investment, seven Nigerians are already employed and placed on salaries. I see this foreign direct investment bringing job opportunities to between 150-300 staff.

Augustine Goke, a participant and an architect, said that he is selected for a Master’s programme in Architecture to establish sustainable Architecture and his focus will be on therma comfort.

“At the end of the study, I intend to come up with solutions that will accelerate housing delivery in Nigeria. It’s about sustainable development and in Nigeria we have multi dimensional housing challenges. To use as a vehicle to solve social problems, create social re-engineering, particularly in the housing sector, and cut down certain carbon footprints.

Mr Asuquo, also a participant, expressed gratitude for the opportunity given him while promising to make the best use of the opportunity to further strengthen ties between the two countries. 

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