Pan African University graduates 50 master’s students

The Pan African University Life and Earth Sciences Institute (PAULESI) on Tuesday graduated 50 master’s students at its Postgraduate Convocation ceremony held at the International Conference Centre, Ibadan.

PAULESI is a network university of the African Union birthed to revitalize higher education and research in Africa.

It has five institutes spread across various regions of the continent in Nigeria, Algeria, Kenya, Cameroon and South Africa.

Prof. Sarah Agbor, the Commissioner for Human Resource, Science and Technology of the African Union Commission, revealed this in her address at the occasion

Agbor also aid that the graduating students were the sixth set of M.Sc. scholars of the university.

According to her, the university also graduated four PhD students, making it the fifth set of PhD students to finish from the university.

“Today’s graduation is a special one, as 50 graduands are able to complete their studies in various fields against all odds in spite of the pandemic in this unprecedented times.

“The 50 students graduated from the ten programmes offered at PAULESI.

”Of the 50 master’s students, there are six from Environmental Management; four each from Mineral Exploration Geoscience and Reproductive Biology.

“Five each from Petroleum Geoscience, Plant Breeding, Reproductive Health, Vaccine Production and Quality Control, Sport Management and Policy Development and Medicinal Plant Research and Drug Development and six from Avian Medicine,” she said.

She said that the 50 students were on scholarship from different countries across the African continent.

“A total of 14 students hail from the host country, Nigeria, six from Kenya, four from Cameroon, three each from Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia, Rwanda and Zimbabwe, two each from Malawi, Ghana, Liberia and Guinea, one each from Swaziland, Burundi, Erithrea, Uganda, South Sudan, Sudan and Benin,” she said.

The Commissioner charged the graduating students to step into the world with confidence and make the institution proud by working towards the attainment the the African Union’s Vision 2063.

The commissioner said that the graduands who were beneficiaries of scholarship opportunity offered by the Union, should work towards making the 2063 agenda of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens.

“Seventy per cent of our population are youths under the age of 35 and you represent that youths, and as you graduate , do not leave behind the skills and competencies you have learnt from this institution.

“I pray may you be a change agent for the Arica we want by 2063, remember that tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.

“I believe that education is the key that can open great doors for you. We have what it takes to turn dreams and visions to reality and we can soar like the eagle.

It is therefore a new beginning when your success depends on the choices you make, these choices you make, she said.

She thanked the management of University of Ibadan (UI) for their graciousness in hosting the school within the UI premises.

“The collaborative enterprise between the Pan-African University and the University of Ibadan, is a measure of achievement for the African Union Commission and for the government and the people of Nigeria.

“I pray that even as the host country has invested in you, the host university and the African Union university has invested by paying your tuition fees,” she said.

Prof Titilayo Akinlabi, Director, PAULESI, said that the the opportunity to study through the institute has been made possible from the culmination of the decision of the Assembly of Heads of State and Governments of the African Union to create the Pan African University located in each of the five regions of Africa.

“Remember to continue to nurture quality and exemplify excellence wherever you are,” she said.

The UI Vice Chancellor, Prof. kayode Adebowale, said that the graduation marked remarkable event in the lives of the graduands.

“We are telling the world that these ones are ready to teach and shine the troch of knowledge and illumination of the paths of others.

“The worth of a university degree is not in the number of years spent to acquire it but rather the worth of a university degree is in learning and character of the holder of that degree display on a daily basis from the moment of obtaining the degree

“You now have a degree of master, go forth and prove its worth in your daily display of learning and character,” he said. 

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