Court Stops Reinstatement Of Emir Sanusi By Governor Yusuf

Justice Liman of the Federal High Court has granted an ex-parte order to stop Governor Abba Yusuf and the Kano State Government from reinstating Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II. 

This decision comes after a lawsuit filed by Aminu Babba-Dan’Agundi, challenging Sanusi’s reinstatement.

The court allowed the Plaintiff/Applicant to serve their Concurrent Originating Motion and other court processes on the Inspector General of Police in Abuja, even though it’s outside the court’s jurisdiction.

Justice Liman ordered all parties to maintain the status quo until the hearing of the Fundamental Rights application on June 3, 2024.

An interim injunction was also granted to prevent the enforcement of the Kano State Emirate Law Council (Repeal) Law until the hearing.

Governor Yusuf announced the reappointment of Emir Sanusi after signing a new bill on the Kano Emirate into law. 

This move came shortly after the Kano State House of Assembly passed the Kano Emirates Council bill 2024, which abolished the five emirates created by former Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje.

The new law repeals the Kano state Emirate law of 2019, which had divided the Kano Emirate into five.

Consequently, the five Emirs appointed by Ganduje were ordered to vacate their official residences and return their instruments of power to the Commissioner of Local Government Affairs, who also serves as the state Deputy Governor.

The case has been adjourned to June 3, 2024, for further hearing. The legal and constitutional implications of the reinstatement will be addressed at that time.

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