NBC: Broadcasting stations in Nigeria must stop using Twitter
the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC)

In continuous enforcement of the new Government policing banning the use of the social networking platform, Twitter, in Nigeria, the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) on Monday ordered all broadcasting stations in the country to suspend its use.

 NBC announced this in a statement issued by its Director General, Armstrong Idachaba, on Monday morning.

Idachaba advised television and radio stations to "de-install" their Twitter handles and stop using it as a user-generated content (UGC) for news and programmes presentation especially phone-in.

It warned that it will be unpatriotic for any broadcaster in Nigeria to continue to patronise the suspended platform.

The statement further noted section 5.6.3 of the broadcast code which requires broadcasters to be mindful of materials that may cause disaffection, incite to panic or rift in the society in the use of UGC.

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