UNICEF, Adamawa govt train 50 girls on digital innovation

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in collaboration with the Adamawa State Universal Basic Education Board (ADSUBEB) has begun a three-day training exercise for 50 girls on digital innovation.

The exercise is designed to prepare the girls ahead of the national competition as part of activities to mark the 2021 International Day for Girl-Child Education.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the United Nations has proclaimed Oct. 11, as International Day of the Girl-Child.

The theme for this year is “Digital Revolution: Not Without Girls.”

Mr Joel Jutum, UNICEF Education Consultant, who spoke at the inauguration of the exercise, said that 10 participants were selected from each of the five participating local government areas of the state.

Jutum listed the councils to include Fufore, Guyuk, Hong, Yola South and Yola North.

He said that 10 best performing girls would be selected at the end of the session, adding that five of them would represent the state in Abuja while the remaining five would be honoured in Yola on Oct. 11.

In her remarks, Mrs Wilbina Jackson, Commissioner for Education and Human Capital Development reiterated the state government’s commitment towards ensuring quality girl-child education in the state.

Jackson, represented by Mukhtar Tukur, Director, Human Capital Development of the ministry, said that the state had attained over 70 per cent computer and ICT compliant in the public schools.

She stressed the need for the girls to understand that they have the potential to change the world in the future.

Also speaking, Dr Salihi Atequ, Chairman of the Board, admonished the girls to take the advantage of the exercise and study hard for a better future.

Atequ, however, decried the high rate of rape and other forms of abuse against girls, and charged them to focus on their studies to achieve academic excellence.

On her part, Dr Jiddere Khaibo, Chairperson, High Level Women Advocate (HILWA), an Adamawa based NGO, urged the girls to study hard so as to become good mothers and contribute positively to their families and the society.

She also urged the state government to give more employment opportunities to women.

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